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Gift to Lift

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Body Awareness Movement (In-Person):

Experience the transformative power of body awareness through personalized, in-person sessions. Enhance your connection with your body and unlock its full potential.


Intuitive Spiritual Consultation (Online):

Connect with your spiritual self through insightful online consultations. Navigate your spiritual journey with guidance and wisdom from the comfort of your space.


Total Body Healing:

Embark on a journey of total body healing, addressing physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects. Rediscover balance and well-being through a holistic approach tailored to your unique needs.

Experience a combination of healing body manipulation trigger points chakra balancing breathing exercises and hypnosis at the same time duration approximately one and a half hours.

Makeover Fashion Body Image (In-Person):

Elevate your confidence with in-person sessions focused on a total body mind spirit makeover, fashion, and body image. Redefine your style and embrace a positive self-image.



Healing Quantum Healing, Healing Touch, Chakra Balancing (In-Person/Online):

Experience the power of energy healing both in-person and online. Balance your chakras, explore quantum healing, and discover the healing touch for a harmonious life.



Hypnosis Session self hypnosis (Online and in person):

Delve into the transformative realm of hypnosis through online sessions. Unlock the potential of your subconscious mind and create positive change.

Mentoring Coaching and Advising

(Personal/Professional/Health/Life Changes - In- Person/Online):

Receive personalized coaching and advice tailored to your personal, professional, health, or life goals. Navigate changes with confidence, whether in-person or online.



Performance/Public Speaking:

Tailored for actors, singers, artists, politicians, or anyone aspiring to master the art of comfortable and captivating public speaking body language and expression Unleash your potential on the stage or in any public setting.



Meditation, Body Opening, and Breathing Session:

Immerse yourself in transformative meditation, body-opening, and breathing sessions. Cultivate mindfulness and unlock the power of a calm and centered mind.



Conscious Nutrition and Cooking Inspiration:

Explore the world of conscious nutrition and cooking. Gain inspiration to nourish your body with mindful eating and cooking practices.



Pregnancy and Postpartum Preparation:

Receive guidance and support for a holistic pregnancy and postpartum journey. Prepare physically, emotionally, and mentally for the beautiful transition to parenthood.



Anti-Aging and Growing Older Gracefully:

Embrace the journey of aging gracefully with sessions focused on anti-aging practices. Rediscover vitality and well-being as you navigate the path of growing older.

These unique and personalized experiences are perfect as gift certificates for yourself or your loved ones. Choose any combination that resonates with your desires for growth, healing, and self- discovery.

Intuition awareness and developing the 6 sense

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